
JackXReader - Monster Ch2

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Literature Text

A/N: Just FYI I'm not going to make you name every single non canon in this, so I just picked out some names for non important characters. It's so much faster that way.


You slowly open your eyes trying to wet the inside of your mouth. Nothing better than waking up with a dry mouth, you get up and stretch. The clock on the nightstand reads 9:43am. You walk to the bathroom for your daily grooming. After that you get dressed and head downstairs for some breakfast it’s around 10:22. Both Mom and Dad are at work you note, good. (Sister’s name) is still sleeping in her room, also good. A (you choose color) cat rubbed around your ankles as you rummage the cupboards. “What’s up (cat’s name)?” He meowed up at you. “You’re hungry too huh?” You grab down the box of (your favorite cereal) and then went over to the cupboard with the cat food in it. You scoop out a half scoop and dump it into his bowl. “Enjoy.” You say with a smile giving him a pet, you then get your own breakfast around. Once you've eaten you get ready for the great outdoors. There was a huge snow drift at the very front of the driveway where they plowed it into a pile in the yard. And with a snow pile that big you just had to climb it. From what you can hear outside it sounded like the neighbor kids were already doing that. Once your boots are on you open the door followed by (cats name.) “You want outside to huh? Beware the drifts.” You say before opening the storm door and walking out onto the deck. (Cats name) stops for a moment and looks up and starts meowing at something. You look to see what he’s meowing at only to find that nothing is there. After a moment he moved on twitching his tail.

“(Your name)!! Come play with us!” Rebecca waved at her from the top of the pile. She was younger than you by 4 years and had two younger siblings that were 7 and 9. They were also playing in the pile. You run over to them atop the pile of snow, it was almost as tall as you are. “Help us (your name) we’re digging a tunnel.”

“A tunnel?” you question.

“Yeah through the bank. Make it into a snow fort.”

“Oh. You guys planning a snowball fight Rebecca?” She grinned really big with a nod.

“Okay. I got an idea to make this go faster though.” You walk into the garage just off the end of the house and grab a small spade shovel. You get to the other end and start digging into the side. It didn't take long for your tunnel to meet up with Rebecca’s tunnel. Once all the snow was clear they used the debris to build another snow fort a little ways away.

“Alright let’s get this party started.” Came the voice again. The four of you were spread out and a snowball hit Rebecca in the back as she was placing a brick of snow in place.

“No Fair!” she said. “I wasn't ready!”

“It wasn't me.” You call out innocently as one hit you in the side of the arm. And that was it; everyone was balling up their snowball and letting them fly. Some more kids show up and ask to play when they saw the all-out snow battle going on. The snow bank fort turned out to be pretty handy. It was all fun and games till someone got hurt though. Rebecca’s younger sister got hit in the face with a snowball and started crying so she had to take her inside. Other kids started migrating back to their homes for lunch. You are still scrunched in a half circle in the snow fort as the battle field becomes more and more silent.

“That was fun.” Came a whisper on the wind. You freeze for a moment before you grab your phone out of your pocket. And tap it a few times holding it up toward the direction you heard the voice. You tap the camera button and it snaps a photo. You bring it back down to eye level and examining it. Your eyes widen a bit, the same blue orb and around it seems distorted somehow. It had to be some kind of ghost. Then you had a thought, a friend at school showed you this ghost app that was supposed to let you hear what a ghost said. All you could really hear were whispers. So you go into the app store and find something like it and download it to your phone. Once downloaded you open it up and try to figure it out.

“What’s your name?” you ask the empty air feeling a bit stupid. There was a moment of silence before a word popped up on the screen and spoke it out loud in a digital voice.


“Guess?” was that the answer or just random? You hear a faint laughter in the air which brings you to the next question. “Why are you here?”

‘FUN’ you huff, this stupid thing only picks up random words. But you decided to try again.

“I can’t really guess your name; can you give me a hint?” You wait a few more minutes until something popped over the speaker.

‘FROST’ You sigh unable to get the total picture, that and you’re hungry. You begin to wiggle out of the tunnel to head inside when you hear ‘JACK’ You stop for a moment before it finally clicks in your head you go back to the tunnel and sit back down on the edge.

“Jack Frost? But he’s a myth, a story, he’s not real.” As if to prove you wrong an intricate weaving of frost decorated the ceiling of the fort. You watch in awe as they dance overhead and around the walls. You look back to the spot where they originated at seeing a long stick with a curved end touching the ceiling. Holding the stick with his left hand was a boy around your own age. A bit taller than you curled up in the tunnel a couple feet away. He wore a pair of worn brown pants that were frayed at the bottom coming up two inches above his ankles, his feet were bare. Thin leather straps were wrapped around his calves all the way up to his knees. He wore a simple blue hoodie with wisps of frost around the collar and sleeves. His skin was smooth and pale with slightly rosy cheeks. His hair was white choppy and untamed. He was looking over at you but didn't seem to realize that you could see him. That’s when you also realize that you’re staring.
You look away and stand up only to step on your worst enemy, icy compacted snow. You fall backward into the bank partially collapsing the roof. You hear that same laughter again but much clearer this time. “You are not steady on your feet at all.”

“It’s not my fault…” you answer while digging yourself out realizing after you sat up again that you just answered him.

“You can hear me?” he asked standing over you now with an almost smile on his face. You blink for a moment before you nod a yes. He grinned widely and jumped back a few feet.

“Can you see me?”

“Yeah.” You say as he laughs a cheer. He seemed to be very excited about this.

“This is amazing.” He said suddenly back in front of you.

“Why?” you ask leaning back a little. He didn’t seem to have any idea about personal space.

“Because once you lose the last of your baby teeth, older kids usually stop believing in us.” Jack explained.

“Us? You mean to say there’s more like you.” You inquire.

“Well of course, you know exactly who they are.” You think about it for a few minutes before he pips in again. “You grew up with them, you can’t tell me you don’t remember.” He said raising a brow, grin still plastered on his face.

“You mean like… Santa Claus?”

“He’s real.” You think harder before another pops into your head.

“Easter Bunny?” you ask pulling yourself up into a crouched position.

“Yep he’s real too, a bit of a grouch if you ask me though.” You giggle a bit at his comment; you couldn't say that you ever thought of the Easter Bunny as grumpy. “Come on you’re doing great.” You think hard again before you remember that he gave you a clue, baby teeth.

“Tooth Fairy!”

“Real. One more!”

“Okay…” you strain your mind again but you can’t think of anyone else. You look up at Jack with a shrug. “I give up.”

“I’ll give you a clue; he has a lot of sand.”

“Sand?” you ponder this before the obvious answer shows itself. “How could I forget, the Sandman.”

“Real, now that this game is done how about we go have some real fun?”

“What kind of fun?” you ask.

“You’ll see.” He said with a grin.

“Hold that thought.” You say, “Before we do anything, I need to eat something.” As if to emphasize this need your stomach tells him as well. You blush a little embarrassed.

“No problem. I can wait.”

“Why don’t you come too?” He shrugged and waited for you to lead the way. You walk back to the house and go inside. Jack hesitates outside the door. “Come in it’s not like anyone can see you.”

“Who are you talking too?” came (your sisters name)’s voice. You stop and look over at her like a deer in the headlights.

“Nobody!” you say a little louder than you should have. She looked unconvinced.

“You’re such a freak…” she said walking back to her room with a bowl of cereal.

“Your sister?” Jack asks.

“Yeah… unfortunately…” Jack takes a seat on top of a deep freezer chest that was next to the door. You grab your small black backpack off the coat hook and empty it out.

“She’s not very nice to you is she?” You fill the backpack with snacks because you really don’t want to make a whole meal. You open a granola bar wrapper and take a bite of the oaty goodness.

“Not very often…” you say shoving more of the granola bar in your mouth, zipping up the backpack and throwing it over your shoulders. “Alright all set.” His face lights back up after hearing those words. You both head back outside and stop at the end of the driveway. He knelt down in front of you. “What are you doing?” you ask curiously.

“Hop on. It’s the quickest way to travel.” You’re not really sure what he means but you do it anyway. As soon as your hands were secure around his neck he jumps up into the sky. Not expecting this you yelp and bury your head into his neck. “It’s okay, it’s actually pretty fun when you get used to it.”

“Easy for someone who isn't bound by the laws of gravity to say.” Came your muffled response. He laughed.

“Come on, I won’t let you fall.” You slowly raise your head, your (color) hair whips in the wind behind you. Slowly you raise your head higher and peak over his whipping white hair to see the countryside below. Everything is covered in white. You look up to see the clouds overhead.

“I always wondered what a cloud felt like.”  You think out loud.

“Want to find out?” Without waiting for you to answer he propels you both through a low hung cloud. You squeal with a mix of terror and delight, he laughs that ever so contagious laugh of his as you both exit the not so fluffy grayish cloud. “How was it?”

“Wet.” You say finally giggling.

“Okay we’re here!” he announced as they began to descend. You secure your hold again. You both land softly next to a frozen lake.

“What’s this place?”

“This is my lake, my friends live nearby. It’s a lot more fun having a snowball fight with people who can actually see you.”

“I guess that makes sense.” You say looking around the serene white surroundings.

“Wait here, I’ll be right back.” You nod as he disappears into the nearby town. You stood there for a moment before you see large puffs falling from the sky. You turn toward the lake it was a breathtaking scene. You grab your phone out and decide to capture the image forever. You hold it up and take the picture. It clicks and you pull it up to examine it. It turned out very well, but you notice a black figure standing off in the corner just across the lake. You look up to see a person in a black fur coat not moving but just standing there seemingly watching you. “I’m back!” came Jacks voice startling you. You look up to meet his eyes and he notices something off. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” You look back across the lake finding it was gone.

“They should be here soon.”  He explained.

“Great!” you pause for a moment swirling the snow with the toe of your boot. “So was it you that saved me back at the swamp?”

“Yes.” Came his reply. He walked up beside you staring out onto the lake. “I know what it’s like to be in a situation like that.” You look over at him; his eyes seem to glaze over as if he remembered something.

“Well, for what it’s worth, thank you.” You quickly lean over and kiss his cheek. His cheeks turn ever so slightly redder than before as he gazes over at you. He had in a silent awestruck look on his face for a moment before he finally answered.

“You’re welcome.”

“JACK!” You and Jack both turn around to see a boy with brown hair appear. He ran down the hill trying to get his hat and glove on at the same time. He stopped right in front of Jack giving him a hug around the waist. Jamie released Jack and took a step back.

“So how was your summer?” Jack asked grinning. You’re sure he already knew the answer due to the large grin on his face.

“Boring! I’m so glad you’re here!” That’s when he took notice of you. “Hi”

“Hello.” You wave your hand. Jamie pulled Jack down to his level.

“Is that your girlfriend?” he whispered. You hear despite him whispering and blush madly. Jack laughs of course, although you could have sworn you saw his cheeks turn red again for a moment.

“She’s a friend.” He said, messing up Jamie’s hat with his free hand till it covers his eyes. Jamie laughs readjusting his hat and walks up to you.

“I’m Jamie.” He said holding out a hand.

“I’m (your name) it’s nice to meet you.” you said taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

“Aren’t you a little old to believe in this stuff?” he asked.

“No.” you say defensively. You take in a deep breath to calm yourself. “I think you’re never too old to believe in something. And if anyone tells you otherwise, they can go stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.” You finish with a grin. Jamie grins back as the other kids began showing up, they gave their greetings and then the fun began. It was much easier to have a snowball fight when you could see the one throwing the snowballs at you. Though you don’t think you hit him once. It was getting dark again, the end of another day. The kids say their farewells and head home. Jamie gives Jack one last hug.

“Come visit again soon okay Jack.”

“You got it.” Jack said as Jamie ran back to his home. “Now then, I guess it’s time to get you home as well.”

“It’s only 5:30.” You say as you climb back onto his back and you both take off into the sky. As you flew the sky became darker under a clear sky full of stars.He looked back at you for a moment.

“Just out of curiosity, how did you get that phone thing to repeat some of the words I was saying earlier, before you could see me?”

“Oh the ghost app, it’s supposed to pick up electromagnetic whatchamacallits that spirits give off. I’m not entirely sure how it works.”

“That’s okay, because I didn't understand how you explained how it was supposed to work.” He chuckled. Suddenly ribbons of green and blue light shot across the sky like delicate silk sashes.

“It’s so beautiful.” You say as you feel the both of you slow in speed.

“Uh oh…” you hear Jack say.

“What? What’s wrong?” you ask putting your chin on his shoulder.

“I’m being summoned.” He said simply.

“You’re not in trouble because of me are you?” you ask a bit concerned.

“No no, nothing like that. It’s just a meeting. But I can’t really drop what I’m doing right now. I’ll be a little late I guess.”

“You can take me with you if you want, it’s still early, or is it forbidden for me to see them still?” he shrugged with a grin looking over his shoulder at you.

“I guess we’ll find out.” He said changing direction going north. After a little while it started getting colder, you start to shiver. “You okay back there?”

“J-Jus-t a l-itt-le co-cold.” You manage to say through shivering teeth.

“Well this is the North Pole. Just hang in there a little longer we’re almost there.” you didn't know if it was the wind or if Jack had just sped up a bit. But when you heard him say North Pole your heart began to flutter like a kid trying to sleep on Christmas Eve with the anticipation of what Christmas morning would bring. You start to descend and land in the snow beside a mountain where the fortress of the North was built. You look up at it in awe. Jack chuckled seeing your expression.

“Just wait till you see the workshop.” you mouth the words 'The Workshop' in silence eyes huge with excitement.
I hope that i get Jack right x.x this is my main concern here.

Comments are very much appreciated!

Rise of the Guardians (c) to Dreamworks/Joyce
Story Concept (c) to Me

Prologue - [link]
Chapter 1 - [link]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - [link]
© 2012 - 2024 Serori
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I like it. its very good